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Feb 15, 2023

5 Top-Notch Features that You Must Have in Your Mobile App

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In the last decade, smartphone usage has skyrocketed all over the world. And as a result, the demand for mobile apps among businesses and customers has subsequently increased. These days, business owners know that to scale their businesses and garner more visibility and patronage, owning a mobile app is the way to go.

Beyond providing a platform for seamless delivery of goods and services for your customers, your app needs to be easy to use and readily accessible to your customers. Therefore, there are certain must-have features your business app must possess if you’re to not only attract customers but retain them.

The importance of owning an app for business cannot be overemphasized. If your app is easy to use and attractive enough, you can attract potential customers worldwide as more people are eager to get things done these days virtually rather than visiting your shop.

If you own a business and want to scale from just running a store and website, here are five top-notch app features you must be aware of when considering investing in your mobile app set-up if you intend to stay relevant in the modern-day digital business space.

Push Notifications

How many notifications on average do you receive on your smartphone daily from different apps? 10? 20? 30? These push notifications are among the most powerful tools businesses use to engage with their subscribers and keep them informed on new products, promotions, news, etc., concerning the company.

In a nutshell, push notifications are those messages that pop up on your phones and slide into view whether you’re on the app or not. While it is an essential tool for your app and a sure way of engaging with your customers, it is crucial to know how to use it. If you don’t use it correctly, it may become a disturbance and distraction for your customers, and it won’t be long before they unsubscribe from or delete the app.

When adding the push notification feature to your app, remember that its main job is to convey updates, reminders, notifications, and other information about your business that concerns your subscribers. Therefore, it is unwise to bug your customers with push notifications that either advertise another product, request app ratings, convey information that is not relevant to your customers, or bid for new customers.

Tip: If you want to place an ad for a new customer, think about the referral system. The bonuses will lure the customers into getting more customers for you.

Instead, schedule your push notifications to only send relevant, timely, and personalized messages to customers. That may require that you segment your customers and prospects to ensure that the right messages at the right times only get to their phones.

Utilize this feature to retain customers, provide updates and news, and inform customers about new products. This feature, when properly utilized, will make your mobile app stand out from your competitors.

Simple Checkout Process

If there’s anything every customer who takes their time and data to download, install, and visit an app is looking forward to, it’s the ease of use and satisfaction. So have this in mind when describing your needs to your app developer. Also, remember that you’re not the only one offering the service you offer. There are thousands of apps and businesses on the internet, so if a customer stumbles on yours, it has to be worth their while; otherwise, they will move on to the next.

To make it worth their while, customers should have no difficulties making and completing purchases on the app. The app interface has no business being overcrowded with so much information. Subscribers should fill in their contact info seamlessly and navigate the app with ease.

Provide multiple payment provider options on your app. This boosts the flexibility of your app and increases users. For example, customers can make payments for products using Apple and Google Pay, PayPal, and other payment options.

Customers like a responsive app to ask questions or raise concerns and get instant feedback. This improves the overall credibility of the app and brand and helps in customer retention. So making your app easy to navigate and transact on will not only improve customer engagement and retention, it will build loyalty in their minds, and that’s what every business needs.

Optimized Search and Filters (Meet Your Shoppers’ Needs, Quickly!)

It’s not just you. Nobody likes visiting a website or an app where they have to go through so many clicks and pages before finding what they’re looking for. Asides from the fact that it takes time, it’s boring and a complete waste of internet data, especially when the pages load slowly.

If your mobile business app must survive and thrive, the optimized search and filter features are top on the list of what makes a good app. This feature saves potential customers the time and stress of going over the whole app before arriving at their preferred option.

A search filter is a designated attribute on your website or app that allows users to refine the search results of a particular product listing page. For example, this can be filtered by size, color, price, brand, etc. By optimizing the search filters, customers will find the products they are looking for in its section with much ease and speed.

Imagine a customer visiting your cosmetics business app to make an order for red lipstick and having to scroll through every other product on your app before finding it. That would be a bore, and the chances are high that the customer will not visit again. But, on the other hand, if they visited and via the comprehensive algorithm of filters, they navigate straight to ‘lipsticks’ > ‘red lipsticks,’ your customers will end up satisfied.

Customer Profiles (Build Loyalty and Increase Retention)

One of the most important parts of the success of any business is knowing who your customer is. Customer profiles are records held about all individual customers used to determine the kinds of products, messages, and information to share without sounding too general. A thorough customer profile includes customer preferences, age, spending patterns, and gender.

This feature is a must-have in your app as it is a great way to build trust and loyalty and retain customers. Every customer wants to feel special, and one sure way to make them feel that way is by tailoring everything to their preferences.

You can build customer profiles by regularly sending them questionnaires and asking them for reviews to know what each customer expects from your brand. This helps you gather information from the customers while studying their behavioral patterns, and it will go a long way in increasing their loyalty to your brand.

App-only Discounts and Wishlists

This is a tool used by the most successful businesses and brands worldwide. This feature lets you keep track of customers’ favorite products by seeing what they add to their carts from their wishlists. It also helps you know when and where to add discounts to encourage customers to make more purchases.

To make this extra interesting, you can go a step further by syncing customers’ wishlists across devices to be available to them when they log in to the app with other devices. You can also increase customer interest in the app if they can bookmark products and continue where they stopped when they return to the app.

Also, you can make the wishlist shareable. That way, your shoppers can share it with family and friends on social media or via email. Periodic sending of emails to customers about their wishlist is another way to improve sales.


Many businesses create mobile apps to expand their businesses and widen their reach. Almost every business these days have an online presence through websites, social media, and apps.

Owning a mobile app for your business increases your brand awareness, improves engagements, helps you track and analyze customer behavior, helps retain customers, and ultimately boosts sales.

More and more people prefer to get things done using their smartphones and apps rather than visiting banks, restaurants, malls, etc. To make the most out of this situation for your business, you must take advantage of these five top-notch features for your business app if you must stay relevant.

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