Fashion & Apparel
Beauty & Cosmetics
Food & Beverage
Health & Wellness
Shopping Apps for
BeyondCart transforms your Shopify or WooCommerce store to a mobile app. Engage your customers with powerful push notifications and maximize their value.
People view 4.2x more products per session within apps, compared to mobile sites.
Offer your users personalized shopping that converts.
Know your users better by exploring their in-app behavior, preferences and purchase patterns. Review the details of every session logged.
Identify and divide your audience into specific segments based on historical and real-time user behavior. Use push notifications to reach a targeted, ready-to-react audience.
Engage shoppers where they’re most likely to convert - their phone. Offer a personalized shopping experience that keeps customers ready to buy
Use our customer engagement platform to ultimate your targeting strategy and drive repeat sales with the power of push notifications
Food & Drinks
Health & Beauty
🎉 Congrats, now you can turn your 
e-store into a mobile app, and have them both!
Talk to an expertand manymore
See how Genezis Wear utilizes the mobile shopping app to provide attractive promotions to retain existing customers and attract new ones.
See why our clients love us
Fashion & Apparel
Beauty & Cosmetics
Food & Beverage
Health & Wellness
Fashion & Apparel
Beauty & Cosmetics
Food & Beverage
Health & Wellness